Monocle Radio
Pio Abad is an artist whose work about the excess of the Philippines’ Imelda Marcos led him on a journey to uncover other histories of loot and plunder… and that earned him a Turner Prize nomination. In this short profile for Monocle Radio's Daily programme, Pio tells me how Philippine history became a jumping off point to discover other stories of conquest and plunder.
Field Recordings
A submission to the Field Recordings podcast featuring the call of the Baja California frog at dusk on the Los Angeles River. It’s a peculiar, but in my opinion, stunningly surreal part of LA.
BBC World Service
An audio documentary charting the cinematic absurdity of the Los Angeles River, and the efforts of Angelenos to fix it. To do this I traced the career of the award-winning Salvadorian-American landscape architect Mia Lehrer, who's made it her life's work to resurrect the river from its concrete coffin.
ABC Radio National
This autobiographical documentary used the story of my late mother to tell a broader story about Filipina migration to Australia. In turn, my mother's migration story, and tens of thousands of other Filipinas like her, revealed a bigger story about how the Philippine state championed marriage migration by the late 20th-century, using beauty pageants to market the notion of the "Filipina beauty".
Sydney Opera House
Backstage portraits of speakers at the Sydney Opera House's annual talks and ideas festival, Antidote.
ABC Radio National
A RN Big Ideas talk I produced in collaboration with Melbourne's ALWAYS LIVE festival for 2023, featuring Caroline Polachek in conversation with Australian author, Brodie Lancaster.
ABC Radio National
An autobiographical reflection I wrote to coincide with the release of my History Listen documentary, Visions of the Filipina Bride. This reflected on the passing of my late mother and the broader geopolitical and sociological forces that influenced her migration to Australia.
Trocadero Art Gallery
‘Inheritance’ is a trip through Hayley Millar-Baker and Alan Weedon’s inherited photographic archives from their paternal relatives: white men of an inter-war Australia that has since been confined to the history books. For the artists, the world that is presented — Millar-Baker’s Grandfather and Weedon’s Father — is fragmented, as they died long before the artists were in a position to find out more.
ABC Radio National
This was a public talk I curated and produced for Big Ideas — ABC Radio National's live events program — in collaboration with Melbourne's annual urbanism conference, the Living Cities Forum. This talk analysed the broader power structures, beyond the architect's pen, that define what housing looks like.
Panellists included Carles Baiges Camprubi, co-founder of the EU Mies van der Rohe Award-winning architecture cooperative, LaCol, Keller Easterling, Yale's Enid Storm Dwyer Professor of Architecture, and Libby Porter, director of the Centre for Urban Research at RMIT University.
National Portrait Prize
My portrait of I took in the midst of Melbourne's rolling lockdowns was a finalist in the National Portrait Gallery of Australia's 2022 National Portrait Prize.
ABC Science
A longform interactive article produced in collaboration with ABC Science's Belinda Smith. I contributed reporting and photography. The feature later was selected to be part of the 2023 Best Australian Science Writing Anthology.
Monash Gallery of Art
This portrait made it into Monash Gallery of Art's Life in Lockdown exhibition, which included work by people who lived through Victoria’s lockdowns during 2020 and 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Liminal Magazine
Swampland was an independent publishing project dedicated to Australian music — I was its creative director. Running from 2016 to 2019 we published longform journalism and original photography—mostly in print, occasionally online.
ABC Radio National
A Blueprint For Living interview with Adam Nathaniel Furman and Joshua Mardell — editors of Queer Spaces: An Atlas of LGBTQIA+ Places and Stories. It's an atlas of more than 90 spaces — the domestic, communal, and public — representing home for queer communities, including an ice-cream parlour in Havana, an abandoned Nicaraguan cathedral, and the fantastical castles of the reclusive Bavarian King Ludwig II.
ABC Radio National
ABC Radio National
A Blueprint for Living interview with architectural scholars June Williamson and Ellen Dunham-Jones. They have been documenting the phenomenon of retrofitted suburbia, where dead malls and other 'underperforming' properties are remade to meet people's needs. This has seen malls turn into community health centres, Kmarts into schools, while huge office parks now host thriving medium-density communities.
ABC Radio National
ABC Radio National
An interactive article I wrote, photographed, and produced for ABC Radio National online. This profiles the work of Reef Design Lab — an industrial design studio invested in marine restoration projects — and the emerging field of eco-engineering.
ABC Radio National
A Blueprint for Living interview with Robyn Healy about the life and work of Japanese designer, Issey Miyake. She was the National Gallery of Australia's inaugural curator of international fashion in the 1980s, and later became the National Gallery of Victoria's senior curator of fashion and textiles – institutions among the first in Australia to collect Miyake's work.